A New Day

Today is our first day with just Mommy and me at home. It's been a pretty good day so far. Here are some of the happenings of the day:

-during my morning mealtime, I decided to keep Mommy on her toes by choking for a little bit...I think it worked!
-I woke up from my nap with a "soaker", as my Aunt Karyn calls it...this is where I go potty and soak all the way through all my clothes and blanket.
-I've had quite a few spit-ups and therefore quite a few clothes changes.
-Dad came home to have lunch with Mommy while I napped.
-Mommy is keeping up with laundary...good job Mommy!

I think I might have some more visitors this afternoon, so I better eat some more food and rest up!
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