Mommy's sweet friends

This is a picture of Mommy's sweet friends from work, Kathy and Karen. They came to meet me today and visit Mommy. They even brought us lunch! They have loved me and prayed for me for a long time, so today was a special day. Soon when I get a little bit older, Mommy will take me to work/church to meet even more people...I think there are a lot of people who want to meet me! P.S. Jeff, Mommy asked me to tell you that even before your comment on our blog, she was kicking herself for not getting a picture of you and Daddy putting together my swing. She is very sorry and is trying to get better at taking pictures of everything that happens. Next time we get to hang out with you and Kara, don't let her forget to take pictures! I'll try to remind her too...maybe between the two of us we can get some good pictures taken...maybe even of you and me together! :) Love you guys!
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