My First Outing

This is actually a picture of me having a little bit of tummy time with Bella a few days ago, cause Mommy doesn't have a picture of our first outing. I really liked tummy much that I thought I'd fall asleep during it. And Bella really liked sniffing me. She likes me a lot.

But the really exciting news is that I am a really healthy boy! I had my first Dr. appointment yesterday, and I shocked them all with my weight. I guess most babies lose weight in their first week of life, but not me. I gained weight! I weighed 7.10 at birth, lost down to 7.8 the next day, and yesterday, a week later, I weighed 8 lbs 1.5 oz! That means I gained 9.5 whole ounces! Mommy asked the Dr. if that was okay, and he said it's great. She asked him what that means that I gained weight, and he said she's making buttermilk. Well, whatever kind of milk it is, I think it's pretty tasty! Mommy's just glad to know that I'm getting enough food and growing just like I should.
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