
Here I am having playtime on my fun mat with the hangy toys. I really enjoyed grabbing the parrott's tail feathers quite a bit and had a great time swinging my arms and legs around! It was a very fun time...I hope we get to do that again soon!
Wow, guess what?? We have a dog! Mommy said she already told me all about Bella, and Bella has been laying by me and giving me kisses ever since I was born. I guess I wasn't really paying attention, because yesterday I just noticed her for the first time! I looked at her for a long time while I was having my tummy-time. She was much more interesting than the toys Mommy laid out in front of me. Why does anyone need toys when you have a buddy like Bella around to look at? Sometimes when I'm laying in Mommy's lap and Bella is laying next to us, I flail my arms around really big and knock Bella in the mouth a few times. She thinks my hand is playing with her, so her tail starts wagging and she tries to "get" my hand. Mommy has to let her know that she knows it seems like I'm trying to play with her, but my hand really isn't for "getting" yet. Poor Bella. She just wants to play so bad! Don't worry, Bella, I'll hurry up and get big so I can play with you!
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Cool socks in the picture with the fun mat! You look very hip in those! See you on Saturday!