Yes, we're bruised...

Here are some updated pics of our bruises. Oliver hasn't mentioned his ear at all, and anytime I have asked if it is sore, he replies with a "no." So glad he wasn't really hurt! I had quick visions of a bloody mess as his head was slamming into his step stool. So glad it didn't come to be.
Here's my eye yesterday afternoon... already bruising.
And here it is today. I'm fairly certain I've never gotten a black eye before! It's in a nice spot, though, cause you can't really see it when my eyes are open, and my bangs cover the cut. But boy oh boy is it sore today!
4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Glad you two are okay! Your wound makes you look tough! Just had to let you know that your eyelashes look gorgeous in those pictures!


  2. Anonymous Says:

    Ouch, Joy! I'm glad that you didn't get a worse black eye!

  3. So sorry that happened. I sounds like you are Super Mom!! Missed you at Monte Ne Chicken. Hope it doesn't get took black and blue. :(

  4. Emily Says:

    I totally agree with Robin....your eyelashes really do look gorgeous in the pics. Is it wrong that I sort of chuckled reading your "ouch" debacle? I think the chuckle came out when I pictured you basically giving your child a swift wedgie. :) Poor guy! And poor mommy.....I have been in a similar situation with Quinn and Sloan, but it was my big toe that got hurt. Glad everyone is ok.