Sullivan's 2-Month Update

Have you ever seen such a roly-poly baby?!!? He sure is a cute "little" guy. Sullivan had his 2-month check-up with our Dr. this morning, while I went and played at Hudson's house. I love going to Hudson's house, cause he has a really cool Handy Manny tool set! And fish, and a Nemo book...but I digress. This post is supposed to be about my brother. Anyways, it turns out our chunky monkey baby really is a chunky monkey! Not that we needed the Dr. to tell us that :) He officially weighs 14.3 lbs. and is 24 inches long. His weight is around the 90th percentile, and his height is around the 75th percentile. Mommy can't remember exactly what his head circumference is, but she remembers it is "average." I was 13.10 lbs. and 24 inches at this stage, so Sullivan is almost the same as me! Although Mommy says we look very different. Everything else checked out a-ok for Sullivan - the Dr. says he's super healthy! Mom asked him about the spitting up, knowing in the back of her mind that there's probably nothing we can do for it, and the Dr. confirmed that - "it's a social problem," he said with a smile :) Sullivan was a very good baby for the Dr. and just cooed and kicked through the whole appointment. What a sweet baby we have! After the Dr. was done checking him out, it was time for Sullivan's shots. Just like I did, Sullivan cried pretty hard for those - he had to get 3 shots. But after the nice nurse was done, Mommy picked him up and held him close and he calmed down. He's been pretty sleepy since that whole ordeal. Poor guy. Mommy says she knows it hurts, but it's for our own good. I sure hope she's right. Sullivan and I are really excited, cause Papa and M'laine are coming to visit tonight and staying with us for the weekend! And there's a rumor that I might get to go home with them for a whole week again...I can't wait to play with M'laine's train!
5 Responses
  1. i want to eat him up!!! can't wait to kiss his face.

    aunt jenna

  2. Anonymous Says:

    He sure is a cutie Joy!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Your little sumo wrestler is just adorable...I bet his bath takes awhile to get all those creases clean! Too cute for words. I'm so glad Oliver is such a sweet big brother...his heart is really precious.
    Love you, Mom

  4. What a cute "chunky monkey" you have! There's nothing better than a chunky healthly baby!

  5. Sarah. Says:

    Your mom's got the right idea, Joy! There's your Halloween costume, Sullivan and Oliver can be opposing sumo wrestlers! Although O will be the only one who needs a costume because he doesn't have any rolls. Or maybe you could just feed him lots of sugar and french fries this week, fatten him up, and then you won't need costumes at all!

    p.s. You're baby is so sweet. And juicy. In fact, I think you should start calling him "Juice" Primm. Rolls off the tongue, don't it?