My new bike!

This is the cool new bike that my Grandpa and Grandma got me for my birthday! It's very fun to ride. As you can see in this picture, it can be in a position where it rocks - then that rocker part can swing up the back and Mommy or Daddy can push me around in my bike - or when I'm a little bigger, it can come completely off so I can just ride by myself. I really like my new bike...I like to stand up and rock myself back and forth, and I like to try to get on and off by myself. (p.s. as of today, I can get on and off my train, all by myself, with parents not even close - and pretty gracefully, I might add!) And Mommy says, yes, that is drool all over my shirt :) I've gotten my 7th tooth - another bottom one. That makes 4 top ones and 3 bottom ones! They make for some good chewing. And drooling. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa, for my great bike!
1 Response
  1. Karyn Says:


    I really like your shirt! :-)

    I'm still singing Happy Birthday to you...

    My Mommy wants to know how much you weigh?

    And, last but not least, when can we play again?

    Love, Jamey