Sullivan is 3 weeks old!

Baby Sullivan was 3 weeks old yesterday! And guess what the silly part is? He's not even supposed to be born yet! Mommy's official due date is this coming Friday. But we're all really glad Sullivan decided to join us early. We sure are enjoying him! He's a sweet baby, and I really love him a lot. When he cries, I tell him very gently and sweetly "it's okay, baby Sullivan", and I pat him on the head.

Sullivan is what our Dr. referred to last week as "thriving." By 1 week, he had gained back up to his birth weight, and our Dr. wanted him to come back the next week just for a weight check. In that one week between weeks 1 and 2, my little brother gained a pound and an ounce. That's like 3 times what a "normal" baby should gain in that time period. So we're happy that our "preemie" isn't really a preemie afterall! Our Dr. said Sullivan isn't a normal preemie, and that he should hit all his milestones on time. We're so thankful to not only have our little baby here, but that he is so healthy!!

4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    He is so cute I can hardly stand it! Cute, cute, cute. Gma L

  2. Karyn Says:

    I think he really does look like you, Joy. So cute!

    Love, Karyn

  3. he is so pretty. and snuggly looking. joy he has that same look as all your baby pics!

  4. Zona Wilson Says:

    That is an ADORABLE baby. I really look forward to watching him grow up. Your family is beautiful!