Chunky Monkey

Here's my chunky monkey brother! He's got quite the chubby cheeks and double chin. You wouldn't know he was getting so much food by the amount he spits up, but his growth is showing otherwise! Bath time!Daddy and Sullivan snoring away.Little bit of tummy time.Lately I've been really into making bridges with my legos (Mommy or Daddy helps). We think we're coming close to perfecting the construction of the bridge. Then I love to drive my trains back and forth under it. Legos are the best!
4 Responses
  1. Meggan Says:

    sullivan is really, really cute.

  2. Zona Wilson Says:

    Legos are the best! My guys played with them for years. Even now in their teens, when friends come over, sometimes they pull out the Lego tub and sit and build while they talk or watch a movie.
    Sullivan looks perfect! Tyler (now 6 feet tall and 145 pounds) had rolls around his legs so tight that I could hardly wash between them! Good mama!

  3. Danielle Says:

    What a little chunkster Sullivan adorable! I love fat babies! :) Can't wait to meet him in a few months...

  4. Sarah. Says:

    Oh my goodness, Joy, does that kid look like you or what? What a precious baby. And it's nice to see him sleeping. Ain't nothing as sweet as a sleeping baby!