18 months!

Last week I was officially 18-months-old, and today I got to go (had to go was more like it) to the Dr. for my check-up. Mommy was looking forward to finding out all my stats. Me? Well, all I did was get stuck with needles, so I wasn't looking forward to much. But I did get some cool band-aids out of the deal! I only had to get 2 shots this time, and I only cried for a minute. It was quick and then over. I like my band-aids :)Since we think I have a peanut allergy, my Dr. decided to do a blood test to find out what allergies I might have. So, after I got stuck with needles for my shots, I got to go to the lab to get stuck with one more needle to draw my blood. Mommy was so thankful, because after the nurse looked at and felt both my arms for a long time (to make certain she could get a vein), she did indeed hit the vein and drew my blood with no problem. Here you can sorta see the red spot where I got my blood drawn. It wasn't the most fun Dr. appointment of my life, but I survived. Okay, so you want to know my stats? Here they are. I am about 26 1/2 lbs. and a little over 35 inches long. My weight is a little over the 50th percentile, and my height? Well, Mommy knew I was tall, but she didn't know I was off-the-charts tall. My height was like the 107th percentile or something like that. Whatever it was, it was way off the chart. And my head is perfectly normal - I think about in the 75th percentile. Basically, I'm a healthy, growing boy! Even thought I have a bit of a cold from Colorado (my ears and chest are clear), the Dr. gave me a clean bill of health and said I'm doing great! He gave Mommy some pointers on how to discipline me, and encouraged her that my "strong will", while seemingly hard for parents at times, is actually a good thing when steered in the right direction. All in all, Mommy came away from the appointment feeling good about how I'm doing in life. I'm glad she did, cause I came away with band-aids and needle stings :)

Christmas on Thanksgiving

Since we are going to visit Papa and M'laine and the rest of my Primm family for Christmas, this Thanksgiving was our special time with Grandma and Grandpa. When I got up on Thanksgiving morning, there were some special surprises waiting for me on the fireplace! I went right over to check it all out.The first thing was this great farm! It is perfect for me, cause I really like to do animal sounds these days. What a fun farm this is!There are spots for all the little animals......and even some hiding spots that I've found I can put them!My next gift was my very own laptop! It has the whole alphabet on it as well as the numbers, and I can do all kinds of things on it. This is a toy that I will "grow into," but even now I'm having fun with it! It helped our car ride home go a little faster :)And next I got a whole bag full of blocks!! You know how much I love blocks. Well, now I have a real set of them, and I can build and knock down towers til my heart's content.
Then Mommy, Daddy, and I all got special envelopes from Grandma and Grandpa with some money in them. This special Christmas money is for us to get some things for ourselves that we want or need. We used my money to buy my bedding for my new big boy bed! Mommy found some great sales at Pottery Barn Kids and got all my bedding for when I'm ready to transfer from my crib to a bed. It'll still be awhile, but at least we're ready! Thank you so much for all of our special gifts, Grandma and Grandpa! Your generosity always blesses us immensely. And here is the picture of my new bedding! We really love it and are so excited to have it! I'm sure I will love sleeping on it when the time comes.

My Trip to Colorado

Last week, Mom, Dad, Bella and I hopped in the car for the long trek to Colorado to see Grandma and Grandpa for Thanksgiving! And oh, what a wonderful time we had. I put my order in for some snow, and guess what was waiting for me when I woke up on Wednesday morning?? Yep, that's right....SNOW!!! This was my first real time noticing snow. Sure it snowed last year, but I was just a baby then. I'm a big boy now, and I like the snow!

Since it was super cold, Grandpa built a fire that night. I gotta tell ya, that fire sure was interesting! I was very intent watching Grandpa and even had a few questions for him. Then we had some fun tickle time :)

One of my favorite things to do at Grandma and Grandpa's house is to climb up on this bench (all by myself), stand up and look out the window. It was especially fun when Grandpa started shoveling the snow out on the deck!I had to get down and go to the other window so I could watch better.
Grandma brought a laundry basket out so we could fill it up with the toys I was playing with for the week. I like laundry baskets - they are perfect for climbing in and out of!
Grandma and I had fun stacking the blocks I got for Christmas (more on that later). We'd build big towers.......

...........and then I would knock them over! It was so fun. I LOVE knocking towers down these days. Mommy says I must've learned that from the other kids in my "school" class.
Here I am snuggling with Grandma during Thanksgiving dinner. You see, everytime I go to Colorado, I get sick. It's just how me and Colorado roll. It wasn't too bad this time; it didn't interfere with our fun. But it still was cause for Benadryl, hence the sleepyness. I had just woken up from my nap before dinner (early dinner), but I wasn't quite "with it" yet. So Grandma was happy to snuggle me while everyone ate. After dinner I was ready to play!
There was a beach ball at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and I sure liked that. Really, I love any balls that I can throw :)

We decided to try a few family photos to see if we could get a good one to make a Christmas card out of. This might be the one...
Friday when we were eating our breakfast, Mommy looked out of the kitchen window and saw these deer! Grandma and Grandpa live out in the trees a little bit, so they get some "wildlife." It's a little hard to see them, but one is in the upper-left-hand corner and the other is in the upper-right-hand corner.
One of the fun toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house was this little zebra. His legs move and click, but what I really wanted to do was ride him. I set him down on the floor and tried to sit on him....everyone thought this was hilarious! Every year, Grandma has a special nativity set that she puts up. These particular dolls are from a very special store in Old Colorado City. They are all hand-made, hand-painted, and their clothes are hand-sewn. This store closed a few years back, but Mommy remembers when she was a little girl, she got to walk through the workshop and watch the workers paint and sew the clothes. Grandma's nativity is very pretty, and I loved looking at it!Grandpa even let me touch the sheep with one finger.
After looking at the nativity, it was time for Grandpa to snow-blow the driveway! He got on all his winter gear, including his puffy jacket and hat.I wanted to get up and see his hat!Then it was off to the door to watch the snow-blowing begin.Once I couldn't see him from the door anymore, I moved to the window in the living room to watch. What fun!
And this was on the way home from our trip. Bella and I took over the back seat of the car. I did a pretty good job of traveling. I had to let Mom know that I was sick of my carseat and seat belt every now and then, but other than that, we had a pretty smooth trip. Oh what fun it was to see you, Grandma and Grandpa!! I've missed you this week; thank you for such a wonderful time! I love you!

My Special Toy

While Mommy and I were in Walmart the other day, I pointed at a pile of care bears and started talking excitedly about them. Mommy picked out the most boyish looking care bear and handed it to me, and I loved it....wouldn't let it go. This was the first thing I had ever picked out for myself, so Mommy thought it was special and got it for me. Ever since then, my care bear (who happens to be "Grumpy Bear") has been my favorite toy. I like to take him with me in my crib for nap times and bed time, and I like to take him in the car with us when we go places. Oh how I love my care bear! Here I am tonight, waiting patiently for Dad to get home from work, showing Mommy my care bear.I love to give him hugs and kisses!And finally Dad got home! Here we are after dinner, playing in my playroom.My Dad's so fun to play with :)And here's another picture of my playroom - the toy bins are perfect to keep all my toys off the floor after we're done playing with them, and I love my table and chairs. Mommy's just glad the toys are out of the living room!

Updates from my week

This past Thursday, one of Mommy's good friends from college, Sarah, came to visit us! I hadn't seen her since I was just a little bitty guy, so we had lots of fun together. She read me lots of books and gave Mommy some good advice. (Mommy tries not to ask too many questions, but sometimes she can't help herself). You see, Ms. Sarah is a Dr., specializing in pediatrics, so she's really smart when it comes to kids like me. I wish Ms. Sarah could be my Dr. cause she's really nice and fun.
I love playing and exploring in Mom and Dad's bathroom these days. The scale is particularly one of my favorites. (Mommy says not to pay any attention to the grossie mirror in the background, please. She has since cleaned it after seeing these pictures :))Mommy thinks I'm getting up there in my weight - we go to the Dr. at the end of this month for my 18-month check-up, so we're excited to find out what my official stats are. I also love to pull open the drawers and pull out Mommy's toiletries.

Lately I've been a little bit clumsy. Well, a lot bit clumsy. I've been pretty good so far in not getting too many owies on my face, but it seems like this week that's all turned around. This is just one of many owies I got on my face this week. It's a carpet burn. Don't worry, it's almost healed now, but it didn't feel so good when it happened. This morning I got 2 more owies on my face. Sheesh, cut a guy some slack, huh?

My New Haircut

My day today started out great; reading with Dad after breakfast. Then it went downhill from there. While I was eating my lunch, Mommy finally decided to sieze the moment and get the scissors (she and Dad have been wanting to cut my hair for awhile now). She started cutting the top, and I didn't mind so much. Then when I realized what was going on, I got kinda mad. I cried my way through the rest of the haircut, even though I had yummy strawberries on my tray to eat and milk to drink.
It was quite a traumatic experience, but it was well worth it! Mommy says I look so grown up now with my new haircut. Mommy says "it's not perfect, but it's good enough!" She's happy with it, and I'm happy it's over. Big boy saying "cheeeeeessseee!"