Puffs and Sullivan's first tooth!
Cute Baby Legs (my sister Jenna gave them to Oliver when he was a baby, and it was so fun to put them on Sullivan!)

It's funny how older siblings like to revert back to babyhood when they have a baby in the house. Oliver sometimes likes to do tummy time and crawling practice with Sullivan :)

We introduced Sullivan to puffs last week, and he loves them! He does great - very minimal gagging - when you put it in his mouth, he flips it over to the side of his mouth with his tongue and gums it for a few seconds while it dissolves and then swallows. He was a pro really quickly! Here he is working on picking one up (you can't see the one he's working with cause his hand is in the way.)

Got it!

"Let's see if I can get this thing in here..."

Love the tongue-out-concentration :)

Another bit of exciting news....we have our first tooth!! You can barely see it in the picture, but you can see it if you look closely. It's his bottom left front tooth (click on the picture to enlarge it - it's the right side, if you're looking at the picture.) That little thing is sharp! I just finished weaning completely to bottles, and it seems it was just in the nick of time...

He is just SOOOOOO chub-a-licious! I love it! :)