A special package

Sullivan having some sweet snuggle/smile time with Dad this week.
We got a special package in the mail on Friday... from M'laine! It contained lots of fun goodies - mostly clothes and shoes (and some snow boots!) - and a few glorious things, like an Elmo Christmas dvd and a 3-pack of christmas cds that I love! Anything with the song "Jingle Bells" on it is a favorite of mine :)
Here I am showing you all my fun stuff from M'laine.
And here's Sullivan with his stuff! He was really excited too... or maybe it was Mom that was so excited - I think Sullivan looks at least a little bit excited. Thank you, M'laine, for the special box-o-goodies!! I wore my new khaki pants and shoes to church today, and Sullivan wore the navy blue cozy outfit you sent. Thank you!!

Here I am reading a book on the big chair before church this morning.
Mommy says having 2 boys is gonna get crazy one of these days. For now, it's mainly just me that's the crazy one. Here I am giving Sullivan a kiss...
...and laughing about something obviously hilarious...
...then making Sullivan laugh by sticking my finger in his ear...
...and then taking a pretend bite out of his head :) If Mommy already thought her hands were full, she's got another thing comin'!
1 Response
  1. Julia Says:

    yay so cute! i love the series with them on the chair together... so cute. i can't wait to get my hands on sully man.

    aunt jenna