Playing Catch-Up

Well, we know we've been out of the loop for awhile, so we thought we'd post some pictures of my last few weeks for you to see what I've been up to. We forgot to post the final snow pictures, so we'll start with those. After our big snow day, Dad and I went out and played in it the next day. It was so fun!

Daddy's snow angel...
And my snow angel!
Boy oh boy do I love the basketball hoop our neighbors have. Anytime I see it, I say "hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop" over and over again. I love basketball hoops.
Dad and I have this fun game we play. I sit on the edge of the couch, then I fall backwards, roll perfectly off the couch onto my feet, and back up again for more. I can't get enough!

We had lunch one day a few weeks ago with Uncle Tim, Auntie Sarah, and Alex. The daddies went to the store afterwards, so the mommies took us boys home for naps. I liked riding in the car next to Alex!
Then it was time for Daddy to go on his Nashville trip for a week. So we wouldn't get too lonely without Dad here, M'laine came up and stayed with Mommy and me. What a sweet M'laine I have! According to Mommy, she was a livesaver. I had so much fun playing with her all week! We played in her car...

And we played outside with Bella...

There's that hoop again...
M'laine was so sweet and played with me while Mommy rested throughout the week. I guess making babies is tiring for mommies. Here M'laine and I are on a nice, sunny day on the porch. M'laine read her catalogue while I puttered around; I read with her some, checked out the swing some, you know, made sure everything on the porch was in working order.
Brushing my teeth and curling my eyelashes with M'laine's eyelash curler. I saw that thing and knew exactly what it was for!

Thank you so much, M'laine, for coming to stay with us! We love and appreciate you!
M'laine got me some new COOL Thomas the Train boots! I LOVE my boots! I say "boots, boots, boots" and want to put them on and walk around in them. Then I look down at them and say "train!" I love trains. Boots with trains on them are the best!

This morning there was an up-and-coming singer/piano-player on the Today Show. When he started playing the piano and singing, I was mesmerized. I stared at the tv until he was finished. We hope this has quenched your thirst for Oliver pictures :) Stay tuned...we'll try to do better about blogging more often!

4 Responses
  1. Julia Says:

    whew! i was starting to get worried. :) cute cute kid! can't stand it! :)

  2. Emily Says:

    Love them boots and them legs....A Woo Woo! (supposed to be like a whistle sound)

    Thank you for FINALLY blogging :). I think I will be able to sleep better tonight. And you know, it is all about ME!! Now, I have no excuse not to update my blog. I gotta get crack'n!

  3. Sarah. Says:

    Seriously, O, bare legs and snow boots is not totally practical, is it? It does make quite the fashion statement though. And I love the action shots of your couch-flipping. They make the fact that you're using an eyelash curler seem a little less girly :).

    p.s. Let's keep up with the blogging, 'kay Joy? Don't let the fact that you're pregnant, feel like ralphing every minute of the day, and have to chase around a toddler around the house keep you from satisfying your blog quota ;).

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Grandpa Jere admitted that you look just like him in the picture of you and Alex in your car seats. Cute boy! Love you, Grandma Lou
    PS: Joy, you are looking great!