Baby Update

Yesterday we got to go to Mommy's Dr. for her very first visit. It was special, cause I got to meet the Dr. who delivered me into the world for the first time! (Well, the first time since I was born.) We got to hear our baby's heartbeat, which sounded right away when the nurse put the wand on Mommy's belly. It was loud and clear and strong! So far, Mommy and the baby are both healthy. Since Mommy had gestational diabetes with me, they went ahead and tested her at her first appointment for it. The nurse will call next week to let Mommy know if her numbers are high or not. We're praying for not. Eating low-carb and pricking her finger 4 times a day to test her blood isn't Mommy's idea of a great time. But it will be okay either way. We'll keep you posted.

Here's a picture of what Mommy is looking like right now. Thank you to Auntie Sarah for letting Mommy borrow all her maternity clothes! Since this baby will be born at a different time of year than I was, Mommy didn't have much to wear. Auntie Sarah to the rescue! Mommy is officially 11 weeks along in this picture. She has "popped out" a lot faster this time! When Mommy asks me where the baby is, I like to smile and point to her belly :)
7 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    You look great!

  2. Sarah. Says:

    Darn you for looking better in my clothes than I do. Your neck looks very thin and unturkey-like, btw.

    p.s. I didn't realize O got to tag along for your appointment. How exciting that he got to hear his baby...sibling's heartbeat!

  3. Laura Says:

    Looking cute Joy! Thanks for your vote! :)

  4. Karyn Says:

    Dear Oliver,

    I'm coming to live with you. You are luckier than I've ever been.

    I was never invited to go to the doctors with Mommy for any of Jack's appointments. And, I've never been invited to my parent's Valentine's celebration. You have it made, and I'm moving in.

    Do you think my crib will fit in your room? Do you have room for my basketball hoop? Let me know, okay?

    Love, Jamey

    PS: Auntie Joy, your tummy is pretty cute!

  5. Julia Says:

    you and your long hair are so cute! can't even handle it! :)

  6. Danielle Says:

    You are SO cute pregnant friend...I'm so glad the baby is healthy and you are doing well! Can't wait to catch up - maybe later this week...

  7. Day Family Says:

    I popped out a lot sooner w/ this second pregnancy too! My belly button did too! I'll be praying about the blood sugar, sounds like no fun!