
It's been down in the low 40's at night, and Sullivan is quickly growing out of his cozy jammies. Oliver has one set that fits, but the boy is so long, 5T really works best now. I can't believe my 3-year-old has to wear 5T footie pajamas! And he's in the preschool building at church. What in the world. So I got the boys one more set of warm jammies.

And boy, aren't they cute :)


5 Responses
  1. Mandy Says:

    oh...jammies are the best...
    (lovin' the new look of the blog)

    btw just wondering if you got my email....

  2. Danielle Says:

    They are so cute together - so fun to be brothers. And Mandy stole my line...I love the new layout and look of your blog. Nice work!

  3. They are SO SO cute! Great new blog backgroud! Did you make it or get it from somewhere?

  4. Joy Says:

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog background! It was a free template that I found on a website for blogger backgrounds/layouts etc. It was a bugger to get in my blog, and I had to manually add the pictures of us over the top of the original pictures on the clothes line (which was in-depth as well), but I'm really happy with the final product! So fun :)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I was shopping with some other ladies a couple of weeks ago and was in Children's Place. I came really close to buying the boys p.j.s for Christmas when I realized that I have no idea what size either of them would wear. I'm glad that I didn't guess! I miss those cuties! Shannon