It's finally here!

Well, the day has finally arrived (almost). Unless Oliver decides he wants to get with the program tonight, we are going to the hospital early tomorrow morning to be induced! We will have a baby tomorrow...we will be parents tomorrow...holy cow. How do you grasp something like that? I have to admit, I'm having a hard time feeling the reality of it all. I guess tomorrow it will "feel" more real! We'll be posting pictures as soon as we can...hopefully in the next several days. Thank you so much to everyone for all your love and support...we feel your love and encouragement and appreciate you all so much! Please pray for a good night sleep and a smooth day tomorrow!
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I have been praying. I knew the day your mom left Joy, and I prayed her there. I haven't heard any news, but I know you are fine, I feel it, I just know it. Risky, this faith thing. I love you, know that! I know I will see a picture of Oliver soon. Praying you are all handling the new stuff. Remember to give yourself at least 3 months to find out what the new "normal" is!!!!!!